Tangent pile wall example with DeepEX
A tangent pile wall example will be analyzed with DeepEX. The following data is available:
a) Soil properties: Sand, friction angle = 30 degrees, total unit weight 120 pcf, loading modulus of elasticity Eload= 300 ksf, reloading modulus of elasticity Eur = 900 ksf. Ultimate bond resistance for ground anchors 40 psi.
b) Excavation depth: 25 ft, cantilever stage 10 ft, ground anchor at 8 ft depth at 15 degrees. Soldier piles spaced at 2.5 ft off center. Include 600 psf traffic surcharge 1 ft behind the wall for a length of 20 ft.
Objective: Design the tangent pile and the ground anchors with allowable stress methodology and obtain a wall embedment safety factor of 1.5.
The model on the final stage is presented in the following image. Here, the horizontal wall displacement and wall bending moments are displayed on the right side of the wall. The red line next to the wall moment represents the bending design capacity of the wall (which includes all applicable safety factors).
Figure: Model in DeepEX, Stage 3.
By double-clicking on the wall, we can define the wall section parameters through a user-friendly dialog. We simply have to select the wall type and choose the steel beam section we wish to use from the list.
Figure: Define wall type and soldier piles section.
Supports and loads can be added graphically on the model area, by using the Draw Loads and Draw Supports options in the General tab of DeepEX. After we draw the load or the support on the model, the Edit Options dialogs appear. There, we can define the load magnitude, the load position, the support position and structural section etc.
Figure: Define load and support properties.
In the Design tab of DeepEX, we can select to assign US allowable settings on this model for the structural design. This option will assign ACI for concrete and ASD code for steel design.
Figure: Assign US Allowable Settings for Concrete and Steel Design.
After the analysis is completed, the Analysis and Checking summary appears. There, we can review the maximum deflection, moment and shear values and the wall and support structural and geotechnical checks.
Figure: Analysis and Checking Summary.
Figure: Graphical results on model area (Wall Moment, Shear and Deflection diagrams).
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