Active and Passive Pressures in the Conventional Analyses
In the conventional analysis the software first determines which side is generating driving earth pressures. Once the driving side is determined, the software examines if a single ground surface angle is assumed on the driving and on the resisting sides. If a single surface angle is used then the exact theoretical equation is employed as outlined in. If an irregular ground surface angle is detected then the program starts performing a wedge analysis on the appropriate side. Horizontal ground earth pressures are then prorated to account for all applicable effects including wall friction. It should be noted that the active/passive wedge analyses can take into account flownet water pressures if a flownet is calculated.
The computed active and passive earth pressures are then modified if the user assumes another type of lateral earth pressure distribution (i.e. apparent earth pressure diagram computed from active earth pressures above subgrade, divide passive earth pressures by a safety factor, etc.).
All of the above Ka/Kp computations are performed automatically for each stage. The user has only to select the appropriate wall friction behavior and earth pressure distribution.
Limit Equilibrium Analysis - Active and Passive pressures diagram in DeepEX
Training Video: Lateral Earth Coefficients and Soil Pressure Methods in DeepEX
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